Article I - Name
The name of this Society shall be the Genealogical Society of Monroe County, Michigan, Inc.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of this Society shall be to collect and preserve the records of our ancestors, to encourage members in genealogical research, to compile and prepare records, to establish and maintain an Archives of genealogical records and books through donations, to cooperate with other genealogical societies, to publish a quarterly genealogical newsletter, and to sponsor and encourage educational meetings, lectures and activities in genealogy and history.
Article III - Organization
Section 1- The Genealogical Society of Monroe County, Michigan, Inc., shall be conducted as a non-profit, non-stock, Michigan Corporation. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes under the 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 2- The operating expenses of the Society shall be covered by membership dues and donations.
Section 3- In the event the Society shall become inactive, it may be dissolved by a majority vote of all members present at a meeting held for that purpose, providing that all members shall have been notified in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance. All funds and properties of the Society, after liquidation of all debts and liabilities, shall be donated to the Monroe County Historical Commission Archives.
Article IV - Membership and Dues
Section 1- Any person interested in genealogy, history, or biography, either amateur or professional, or any organization or corporate body, may become a member of the Society by submitting an application and payment of dues.
Section 2- The membership year shall begin January 1. Members joining after September 1st will have their membership applied to the following year and be sent the current year’s November newsletter.
Section 3- The amount of dues and/or newsletter subscriptions shall be set by the Board of Directors.
Section 4- Membership entitles a member to receive one copy of each newsletter or mailing of the Society. A husband and wife membership shall entitle them to receive jointly one copy of each newsletter or mailing of the Society.
Section 5- All members are encouraged to file with the Society, charts of their own family lines on which they are able to furnish data. Data submitted will become the property of the society for the intent of publication. Publication rights shall be for the society and/or submitter.
Section 6- Members are encouraged to hold office, serve on committees, and take an active part in the Society.
Article V - Officers and Board of Directors
Section 1- The Officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected for a term of one year, and/or until their successors are elected.
Section 2- Election of officers shall take place at the December meeting. They shall be elected by a majority vote of all members present.
Section 3- All officers of the society shall take office at the close of the December election meeting.
Section 4- The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected Officers, plus the Editor, the Archivist, the Michigan Genealogical Council Delegate(s), and the Membership Chairman.
Section 5- The Board of Directors shall plan the work of the Society, determine general policies, consider items requiring expenditures, and act for the Society in the intervals between meetings of the membership. They shall appoint members to fill vacancies in office.
Section 6- The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as needed. They also may be held at the request of any four members of the Board.
Section 7- A quorum shall consist of at least 50% of the Board of Directors, with each member of the Board of Directors having one vote.
Section 8- If a person is not fulfilling his or her position, and cannot be contacted or after being contacted does not wish to resign, the Board may remove that person by a majority vote of the Board, if necessary for the well-being of the Society.
Section 9- The Society agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Board of Directors members from any and all liabilities that may be incurred as a result of carrying out their duties and obligations to the Society, except for willful and malicious injuries to persons or property.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1- Regular meetings shall be held the first Saturday of each month except July and August, unless this falls on a holiday; then it shall be held the second Saturday of the month.
Section 2- The regular meeting in December of each year shall be the Annual meeting, consisting of the election of Officers. The Society’s annual report shall be published in the February newsletter and shall consist of a summary of the Society’s events for the previous year.
Section 3- An annual Seminar is to be planned by the Seminar Planning Committee.
Section 4- Only paid members may vote on issues presented to the membership.
Article VII - Amendments or Revisions
Section 1- The Bylaws may be revised or amended at any meeting by a majority vote of members present and voting, the proposed revision having been presented to the members at a regular meeting, and voted upon at the next regular meeting.
Article VIII - Duties of Officers
Section 1- The President shall preside at meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors, shall supervise the work of Officers and committees, and shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominations Committee. The President shall appoint the Newsletter Editor, Archivist, Membership Chairman, Seminar Planning Chairman, and Nominations Chairman, subject to approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall not serve as Chairman of any committee during term of office. The President shall be responsible for all annual Corporation reports required by any governmental agency.
Section 2- The Vice President shall assist the President, and shall act in the absence of the President, and shall become President in the event of the resignation of the President. The Vice President shall act as Chairman of the Program Committee.
Section 3- The Secretary shall record and preserve minutes of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors.
Section 4- The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate record of Society revenues and expenses. The Treasurer, or his representative (chosen by the Treasurer), will collect dues and all money collected for the Society, and deposit same to the credit of the Society in a bank designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay all bills, and check the bank balance at the end of each month; submit monthly written reports and make available to the membership itemized reports. An annual report shall be submitted at the next regular meeting following the close of the fiscal year on December 31. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial reports required by any governmental agency. An audit of the books shall be done at the close of each fiscal year by the Treasurer and at least one other member appointed by the President and they shall present a written report at the next regular meeting of the Society.
Section 5- Each officer shall deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other property belonging to the Society within four (4) weeks following completion of term of office.
Article IX - Committees
Section 1- The standing committees of this Society shall be Newsletter, Archives, Membership, Nominations, Publications, Website, Seminar Planning and Program Committees.
Section 2- The Newsletter Editor shall gather and prepare material for the Newsletter and arrange for printing and mailing it quarterly in February, May, August and November. The Editor shall put a membership renewal notice in the February newsletter. The Editor has the right to accept or reject any materials submitted and to establish other guidelines as necessary.
Section 3- The Archivist shall maintain a library of genealogical records and books. All data and records compiled and collected by the Society shall be accessible to members and public for private use, but not for publication without the written permission of the Board of Directors. The Archivist will establish guidelines for donations and use of all materials.
Section 4- A Membership Chairman shall process memberships and prepare periodic surname lists.
Section 5- The Nominations Committee shall prepare a ballot of one or more members for each office, to be presented at the December meeting. Nominees must have consented to serve if elected. This does not preclude nominations from the floor.
Section 6- The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President. They shall arrange and plan all programs for regular meetings, workshops, and other special events. They shall publicize these events.
Section 7- The Seminar Planning Committee shall plan the annual seminar, enlist volunteers for the event, and make arrangements for the speaker, the location of the event, and publicity.
Section 8- The Publications Committee shall be responsible for producing quality genealogical materials for the Genealogical Society of Monroe County, supervising the production, distribution, promotion and sales of GSMC publications, distributing one copy of all GSMC publications (at no charge) to each of the following: the Monroe County Historical Museum Archives, Ellis Library, GSMC Archives and Monroe County Clerk’s Office (vital records books only), maintaining a liaison between the Monroe County Clerk’s Office and GSMC, supervising the GSMC volunteers in the Clerk’s Office to protect the integrity of the vital records being transcribed, and shall prepare an acquisition form for items donated to the society. A thank you note should be sent to all donors of materials to the society.
Section 9- The Website Committee shall maintain the Society’s website ensuring all data and links are up to date and working. They have the right to accept or reject any materials submitted for publication to the web and control access to modify or update the website.
Section 10- The President shall appoint such other special committees as may be directed by the membership for the best interests of the Society.
Article X - Rules of Order
Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the meetings of this Society and shall be the final authority in settlement of disputes in which they are consistent with the Bylaws of this Society.
Revised 2023