Genealogical Society of Monroe County, MI

Potter Cemetery News

Work/Visitation Schedule for Potter Cemetery 2024:
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 19,20,21
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday August 16,17,18
  • Saturday August 31; Sunday, Monday September 1,2 Labor Day weekend
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday, September 20,21,22
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday October 18,19,20
  • Monday, November 11, Veterans Day
  • Saturday, November 16
  • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 28,29,30, Sunday Dec. 1 Thanksgiving  weekend
  • Saturday, December 21
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 25 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
  • Tuesday December 31, New Year's Eve, Wednesday, January 1, 2025, New Year's Day
We meet at the Sigler Rd. gate at 9 am, weather and easement permitting.  We must be done one hour before sunset.  If you are unsure of times or if we are there on a particular day, call 734-693-0902 to check.  Also watch our Facebook page and for e-mails.  Thank you.
Potter Cemetery recently celebrated its rededication!!  Congratulations to Sue Donovan and the other trustees for their work in getting a historical marker in the cemetery.  Sue and her team planned and executed a great event on Sunday, September 17th with music, raising of the flag and a 21 gun salute (and musket salute too).   
All of the stones have been restored and are absolutely beautiful thanks to the efforts of Dave Carter and his team.  
Thanks to the Andy Clark from the Monroe County Historical Museum and Bill Saul for shuttling attendees to the event.  It is a LONG walk otherwise.  
Thanks to Andy & Phyllis Vanderbush, the Carleton VFW, Rick Danes, Carleton American Legion, Brian Egen, the Dodsworth Duo, Senator Dale Zorn  and to all that attended to make such a memorable day.
Plaques made from walnut from trees felled in the cemetery were presented to individuals and groups who helped make the restoration of Potter Cemetery possible.  Our president, Mike Van Wasshnova accepted the award for GSMC.  See photo to right.
The best part of the day was when Sue Donovan was given her plaque, she received a standing ovation!  Well done and much deserved, Sue!!
If you have been a member before and would like to rejoin we would love to have you back and the dues are the same.  Checks can be made out to Friends of Potter Cemetery and sent to me, Sue Donovan at 30066 Marr, Gibraltar, MI  48173   There is no application to fill out.  Call 734-675-5162 or e-mail for more information.  
Mark Armbruster & Sue Donovan near the recently uprighted tombstone for Royal Potter
Several markers have been cleaned, repaired, and put upright.  See below for a great example!

Julia & Roswell Flint's marker- as found when the Potter group was able to get into the cemetery (on left) and again once the group was able to do their magic!  This stone was adopted by GSMC in Florence Wilson's memory.  Thanks to Sue Donovan for an updated photo (Sep 2015).
Check here for the latest happenings with Potter Cemetery!
  • A Melting Pot of Family Recipes, a cookbook to benefit Friends of Potter Cemetery, is now available!! It is soft cover, has 325 recipes, cooking hints, index, etc. and costs $11.00, shipping is an extra $4.00.  This was done by a committee of 4, with recipes contributed by members, friends, relatives, and co-workers.  Proceeds will benefit the restoration, maintenance, and preservation of the historic Potter Cemetery.  Checks can be made out to Friends of Potter Cemetery Association and sent to Sue Donovan  at 30066 Marr, Gibraltar, MI  48173.  Or pick one up at the Monroe County Historical Museum, 126 S. Monroe Street, Monroe, MI. 
  • Friends of Potter Cemetery is now on Facebook at
  • Gov. Snyder signed HB 5404 to prevent landlocking of cemeteries in MI on Dec. 31 at 5:26 pm.  It has been filed with the Secretary of State and is now PA (Public Act) 525 of 2012 with immediate effect.
    Many thanks to Rep. Dale Zorn, his staff, including John Manor, Sen. Richardville and all the legislators.  And to former, and now deceased Rep. Kate Ebli, who first took on this cause with us.  The votes in both houses were unanimous and now it is law! 
  • There is now gravel on the path into the cemetery, making entry much easier!